New in Agiblocks 3.15.0

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Agiblocks v3.15.0 adds "Results per contract"  P&L information to a Purchase contract list.  This functionality allows users with the appropriate permissions to see and search for P&L information on Purchase contracts.


Combined P&L Displayed on the Purchase Contract List

On the list of purchase contracts each contract shows the combined P&L (realized + unrealized) in company currency.




Search by P&L Values

Users can search contracts by P&L values, e.g. to find contracts that have a negative P&L or less than 40 EUR/MT.  This is done by using the PnL or PnlQty search phrases in the contract search box.




Contract P&L Details Screen

Users can examine the P&L of a contract further by selecting the P&L value to open an Mark to Market style configurable screen that breaks the value down in all its portions, its futures, and its Forexes, and also separates realized and unrealized P&L. The screen features the usual rich set of columns that can be switched on and off, and some extra columns that help understand the calculations and currency conversions.


To access this screen for a contract, select the P&L value in the P&L column on the Purchase contract screen.





Columns Available on the Results per Contract Screen  (Right click on the Results per contract screen table header to see a full list of columns.)



Allocation factor

Asset type




Contract settlement value

Contract value

Contract value currency

Contract value in company currency


Costs total




Market base price

Market currency

Market Premium

Market price

Market price / unit

Market price in company currency

Market value

Market value in company currency

Physical Contract

Physical quantity

Purchase Contract


Position profit and loss


Price %


Quantity MT


Reporting period

Settlement price

Settlement price / unit



Results per Contract Permissions

To see P&L information in a Purchase contract list, a user must be granted the “View PnL totals on contract” permission in the MTM section on the Edit roles screen.  To view the Results per contract screen, a user must have the “View PnL details per contract” permission.




Recalculate PL values Button on the Market Data Screen

The new Recalculate PL values on the Market Data screen should be used after new market data has been entered for the day.  Selecting it will recalculate results per contract values using the new market data.  The button will remain grayed out while the calculations are being done.

