New in Agiblocks 3.18.6

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Agiblocks version 3.18.6 is a minor release that allows users to add costs to deliveries between storage locations and adds some fields added to the Agiblocks reporting module.  A variety of customer requested fixes are also included.


Adding Costs to Delivery from Inventory to Storage (Warehouse to Warehouse)

Cost lines may now be added for an Inventory to Storage delivery. The following is how costs will be handled.


1.The cost items will be added on Inventory side. It will be possible to Invoice them and create accruals.
2.Any accruals are dated on the transaction date.
3.This cost item will be included in the Goods cost items on the Storage side and will be taken into account when goods will be moved from Storage to Sale to calculate COG.
4.The Goods will be shown on the Inventory side, so you will see the total amount of Goods.
5.Any additional costs will get the same dimension and posting profiles as when these costs would have been made directly on the original purchase.
6.Invoice corrections are treated the same as for other purchase costs.
7.Posting rules remain the same for any financial integrations (Navision/SAP/Other).


Transport Mode Plane

The transport mode Plane is now fully supported by displaying its own icon in the applicable screens.


Reporting Module Additions

B/L date and destination and loading port country have been added to the Logistics reporting model.  Please see the updated Agiblocks Reporting Module Guide for version 3.18.6 for more information on these two additions.


Document Template Merge Field

A merge field for purchase price has been added to the logistics document model.  This is the normal, full final price for the shipment including any surcharges.  Please see the updated Agiblocks Document Template Management Guide for version 3.18.6 for more information on this addition.