New in Agiblocks 3.18.5

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Agiblocks version 3.18.5 is a minor release to fix some issues and introduce some small new features.


Pricing Period Column for To-be-fixed Futures in Position Details

A new column has been added to the Position details screen for To-be-fixed Futures.  Selecting a To-be-fixed futures value opens up a details screen with this new Pricing period column.


Pricing period column


The Futures period continues to show the valuation period just like in all other detail screens


Position Rolling Date Entry

A date may now be entered when rolling a contract to a new position.


Position Rolling Date Entry

The following rules apply:


1. The default value for the date field will be the current date, unless period closure is enforced and the open period is in the past.  In this case, the last date of the open period will be used as the default.


2. The date must not be earlier than the date of existing rollings.


3. Dates in the future are not allowed.


4. If period closing is enforced, only dates within the period open for trade may be selected.


Theoretical Margin Field in Contracts

A field called Margin is now available in the Contract risk tab.  Users can now record per contract delivery line, an amount in a currency of choice, to indicate how much margin they expect to make on this part of the contract.


Theoretical Margin


This field is available in the Agiblocks Reporting module in the Contracts data model.  The fields is not displayed or used in any other Agiblocks Screen or module.


Include financed check box

In the Collaterals tab on the Trade finance screen users can check the Include financed check box to see records in the list that already have a financing.

Include Financed checkbox


Change financing reference number permission

Administrators can now separately control which users can change the financing reference field (from the bank) on an existing financing. This is done by granting users the Change financing reference number permission.


Change financing reference number


Reporting Module additions

An indicator for Buy or Sell was added to the lots that still need to be fixed
There are now both a signed and an unsigned field for the number of lots that still needs to be fixed (signed means e.g. -6 for selling, 6 for buying, while unsigned would show both as 6).


Please see the updated Agiblocks Reporting Module Guide for version 3.18.5 for more information on these two changes.