New in Agiblocks 3.17.0

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Agiblocks 3.17.0 contains new features and enhancements related to Contract pricing. The most notable changes and additions are:


A user can now price a contract across 2 futures markets with the same currency, which for example is used when pricing the “White Premium“ in the Sugar trade.
A user can now roll price periods both forward and backward.
A user can now enter any price directly in the units of the underlying futures (e.g. US-cents/lb) which Agiblocks will convert to the pricing units (e.g. USD/mt)
The pricing dialog has been enhanced by organizing different types of actions, each on their own tab. This allows a user to have clearer insight into the actions that may be performed.
A user will see that the pricing section now gives an improved overview of the pricings, as well as more details. The representation of price rolling has especially been improved.
Hedge allocation functionality has been extended to accommodate cross markets price fixing and hedging of cross markets exposure.
Screen layout improvements have been made to the Hedge Allocation screen which also now includes a filter to more quickly find matching records (match).