Invoice Assets

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Invoice assets were introduced in order to be able to consolidate the realized P&L values as shown in the P&L Insight and Mark to market screens with those shown in the Realized P&L screen. These invoice assets represent differences between invoiced amounts and budgeted costs, for which the invoice posting date is later than the realization date of the asset to which they apply.

Invoice Asset Details


When assets from physical contracts become realized by delivering the priced goods to a buyer as per a specific date then:

•        at the date and time of that action, all the amounts associated with the prices and any costs that are at that moment budgeted or already invoiced are moved from unrealized P&L to realized P&L,  as per the realization date


When invoices with a different amount than the budget are posted for a later date than the realization date then:

•        at the date and time of that action, the amount for the difference between the invoice and the budget is added to realized P&L for that asset, as per the posting date


As a result the invoice differences should cause P&L in different time periods. In releases previous to version 3.18.1, Agiblocks did not separate these invoice differences into invoice assets with their own realization date, as a result of which they are correctly included/excluded depending on the filtered realization period.


The realized P&L screen was already taking invoice assets into account. As a result there were differences when you would filter P&L Insight on realized assets between 1 until 31 January, and compare the result with the January results in the Realized P&L screen.


This change now aligns data between the Realized P&L, Mark to Market and P&L Insight screen.