This Master data element has been added to further define product weights. The Master data element is found under the Trade tab on the Configuration menu under the Settings tab of the Home screen.
Select the Weight terms tile to open the Weight terms Master data screen.

A Weight terms record contains the following information:
Selected from a drop down list of available commodities.
A text field to describe the weight term.
Net landed weight based on
An optional field to allow you to indicate a specific commodity property value to be used to mark which line in a Weight Note to be used to calculate the default value for the net landed weight. Selecting a value here will allow you to select the property to be used in the field underneath.
A text field.
A text field.
A number field where a percentage should be entered to indicate a contract tolerance value.
A check box followed by a number field to enter a percentage. Franchise should be checked if it is applicable to this weight term. If a percentage value is entered, this is used as a default value. The default can also be left empty.
Note: to have weight terms appear in a delivery execution, you must define a commodity property as an inventory property See inventory property information to set this up.
Note: The combination of Commodity and Term must be unique.