Pricing Confirmation Templates

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Agiblocks produces confirmation emails for pricings that can be sent to counterparties. A standard form is used to send a confirmation email.


It is now possible to modify the format of the confirmation emails using Agiblocks Document templates.  However, the template will be converted to produce an HTML formatted email, not an MS Word or PDF file used as an attachment to the email.


To use a pricing confirmation template:

Under the Settings tab, select the Document templates tile.
Select the Document types tab and add a document type for the data object Price confirmation.




On the Templates tab select the Price confirmation Document type and upload an MS Word file with the appropriate merge fields.



This is an optional feature.  If no pricing confirmation Document template is added to the system, pricing confirmation emails will continue to use the standard pricing confirmation email format.


Important note: In this initial release, only one confirmation document is supported.  Do not upload more than one document template as the system will pick one at random to use.  In the future Agiblocks will allow you to specify which confirmation template should be used for each internal company.


Information on how to create and edit a pricing confirmation document template is included in the Agiblocks Document Template Guide for version 3.20.0.