Other Changes in 3.16.4

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Insurance and Other have been added as relation types.  For Other, a label with up to 256 characters of text may be entered.
The file upload size limit has been increased to 50 Megabytes.
Ratio values on contracts have been increased from 2 to 4 decimal places.
A Position screen Excel exports can now easier be used with formula’s as blank text fields no longer contain extra space characters.
Reporting period and Futures columns have been added to the Position details screen.
For generation of invoice documents you have now available the complete details about the user who created the invoice record. These details replace the old fields CreatorName, Position and Initials.  (See the v3.16.4 Documentation Template Guide for a list of the new fields.)
The TotalAmountInWords merge field has been modified to print out "and zero cents" if the value of cents in the amount is 0.