Users of the Hedge Allocation screen can now use multi-selection to allocate multiple futures to Hedge Requirements. This makes the futures allocation feature faster to use. It also works for allocation of futures or options to a position.
Using Futures Multi-selection
1. Select a Hedge Requirement for Fixing or Hedging.
2. Select each of the futures trades you wish to allocate to this Hedge Requirement. This highlights the selected future in the left-hand list.
3. Select the Allocate button to create all allocations or select the Allocate & Save button to create and save all allocations all in one action.
Rules regarding multi-allocation of futures for hedging or fixing a price
• | Multiple allocations will be created from the selected futures trades, by taking lots from the selection in the displayed order, until there are no more lots in the selection, or until enough lots have been allocated to meet the specified number of lots. Any surplus lots in the selection remain unallocated. |
• | The futures trades are displayed ordered by trade date and next in “trade order” (order of entry/order in upload file). |
Rules regarding multi-allocation of buy-sell futures-pairs to position rollings or price rollings
• | As before, when selecting a Hedge Requirement for a rolling, you will only be able to select the types of futures corresponding to the Hedge Requirement, and all lots need to have the same trade date. |
• | When the selected lots are a sequence of spread trades (they form a sequence of proper buy-sell pairs) then the application will create exactly those pairs as allocations. When it is not an exact sequence of pairs, pairs will be formed by taking lots from the selection in display order, to form pairs from them. This will continue until there are no more pairs to form, or until enough pairs have been allocated to meet the specified number of lots. Any surplus lots in the selection remain unallocated. |
• | The futures trades are displayed in ordered by trade date and next in trade order (order of entry/order in upload file). |