The Logistics events Master data tile is found under the Logistics tab on the Configuration tile under the Settings tab of the Home screen. Select it to bring up the Logistics event types screen.
• | Every event has a name, description and a sequence number. |

• | In each event, every delivery term is displayed for a purchase and a sale. |

• | When adding a new record, Yes and No identifies if the event is applied to a purchase or sale or not depending on the P/S and delivery term. |
• | Point of no return identifies the moment the trades are removed from the Position screen as the delivery is complete. Default is a Nomination event. |
• | Execution identifies the moment the goods are executed = delivered to the customer. Default is Originals Sent or Originals Received. This also impacts the Mark to Market information as at this point there is no longer a risk involved. |
• | Adding, editing, ordering and deleting functions follow the same rules as for other Master data. |
• | A Master data manager can also configure events, points of no return and execution points for deliveries from and to storage. These do not depend on delivery terms. |
