Logistic Events Added to Agiblocks Reporting

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The logistic events configured for each Agiblocks installation have been made available in the Logistics data model in Agiblocks reporting.




These events are shown as a check list in the logistics screens in the order in which they are configured.


Note: Before upgrading to version 3.18.0, make sure that the logistic events are numbered in a logical order.  We recommend ordering numbers of the events from 1-10 (instead of in increments of 10 (10,20,30, …).




Of these events, the Logistics data module has 10 of them available with ordering numbers 1-10.  For each of these events Agiblocks records the user name and the date on which it occurred.  This is done separately for the left (incoming) side and the right (outgoing) side of a delivery.




For more information about logistics events in reporting, please see the Agiblocks Reporting Module Guide for version 3.18.0.