IFRS-15 - Period Closing and Month End Facility |
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A facility has been added to enable financial users to request the system to update all estimated prices in Agiblocks against a particular date. This can be used after month-end to re-estimate all these prices based on market prices of the last date of the month. Like for any re-estimate, this will also result in updating any accruals that are based on an estimated price. When period closure is active, financial users will be forced to re-estimate all prices against market prices of the last date of the month before they can open a period or close a period.
Re-estimation Facility This facility can be found on the screen to open and close financial periods. A user will need the Recalculate all estimated prices permission (under Contracts permissions) to see the line Prices to re-estimate and the Re-estimate link.
The first number shown, 662 is the number of contract deliveries that will need to be re-estimated from the total number of contract deliveries (662). To start re-estimation, select the Re-estimate link. This will bring up the Recalculate estimated prices screen.
Note: Re-estimation may take some time depending on how many items there are to process. |