To edit an incoming invoice:
• | Select the Invoices tile on the Home screen. |
• | From the Invoices screen, select the Incoming Invoices tab. |
• | If Status is draft, the following buttons are available on the right hand side of the record line: Attachments, Edit and Delete. |

• | If Status is complete, only the Attachments and Edit buttons are available. |
• | It is possible to have the status complete when booked is No if the invoice is not yet entered into a financial system. This can be done manually. It is done automatically for customers with the Financial Integration module. |
• | The Need to allocate field in the Invoice’s detail screen must equal 0 before the invoice can be marked as complete. |
• | First Allocate the cost items, then the invoice can be marked complete. Once marked complete, the tick box appears to Book the invoice. |
• | It is not possible to Book an invoice in status draft. |