Currencies Master data is used throughout the Agiblocks system. Agiblocks comes pre-populated with one default currency. Other currencies are usually set up with the initial system configuration.
To add a new currency, select the Add new record button. To edit a currency, select the Edit button to the right on the currency record. An edit screen opens.

The add/edit mode contains a list of fields that can be populated with values. Below is a table with a brief description of the functionality for each field:
Text field to enter a currency name. This text field is then displayed whenever a currency name must be displayed. The currency name is a text field, because this allows a Master data manager to use the description most commonly used within a company. For example, pound sterling’ or GBP might be used.
Text field to enter the currency's symbol.
Tick box to check an Agiblocks system default currency. One currency may be selected as a default or base currency.
Tick box to select a preferred currency. This preferred currency will then be shown on top of the drop down menus when a currency must be selected.
Allow Cents
Tick box for allowing cents to be used in premium calculation for this currency.
Cents Name
Text field for displaying the cents name. This field must be filled in with a value if cents are to be used in premium calculations.